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Jenina Yutuc

Based in Northern California, Jenina is the Design Consultant at ThirdSpace Action Lab. She (1) spearheads conceptual research and visual design for the company’s monthly newsletter that centers Black art and joy, (2) conceptualizes and curates the Reading Room, the company’s digital library database, and (3) conducts qualitative mixed-methods research for key client engagements (American Institute of Architects and Miami University) that reckon with the historical and emergent relationship of structural racial injustice and advancing racial equity in the built environment. 

Jenina is a recent Spring 2021 graduate of the University of California, Berkeley, where she designed her own research program and published her thesis that centers care-giving and care-receiving practices of Filipino and Filipino-American volunteers in built and imagined spaces. She is also a Color by Design (CxD) fellow, a program by the Oakland-based non-profit organization, RepresentEd. The program leverages the lived experiences and skills of BIPOC designers as client-facing Design Researchers with a 7-month fellowship at IDEO.