ThirdSpace Action Lab was created to disrupt the vicious cycle of disinvestment and displacement that exploit low-income communities of color.
We are a grassroots research, strategy, and design cooperative dedicated to prototyping creative place-based solutions to actualize racial equity.
We are institutional and community organizers turning evidence-based strategies into action and co-creating liberated “third spaces” for people of color.
Our Values
Racial Equity + Inclusion I Community Collaboration I Democracy
Radical Black Imagination I History is Preface
Our Actions
Applied Racial Equity Insights I Activating Space + Activating People
Designing Liberated Third Spaces I Impact Investment Planning
Our Practice
Transdisciplinary Collaboration I Narrative Change + Storytelling I Civic Engagement as Conscious Community Development
Transformative Justice for Economic Competitiveness I Centering the Neighborhood in Movement Building