Awareness Building with rEI
ThirdSpace Action Lab (TSAL) was founded in 2018 to disrupt the vicious cycle of disinvestment and displacement that exploit low-income communities of color. We have grown our consulting practice, in no small part, due to Northeast Ohio’s investment in the Racial Equity Institute (REI). More than 20,000 people have grown their awareness of structural racism since 2016.
Many of the region’s philanthropic, private, and public sector leaders have sought TSAL’s strategic advice for taking meaningful action after their transformative experiences with REI. As a result, TSAL has blossomed into a nationally-recognized firm working on innovative projects rooted in the principles of racial equity + social justice. Our experience in this region has led to major projects redesigning philanthropy, promoting economic inclusion, creating physical spaces to foster belonging, and activating public policy movements.
Racial Equity Institute’s trainer-organizers deliver an interactive historical, cultural, and structural analysis of racism in the U.S. Moving beyond a focus on interpersonal racism, they explore why racial inequity exists and chart its compounding effects over time. The workshops help participants apply the groundwater analysis to commonly held narratives and their corresponding interventions.
To get started with TSAL’s REI workshops, you can easily register online to reserve your spot today.
To inquire about group discounts rates, scheduling a private workshop, attending as an alum or other inquiries please email REI@3RDSPACEACTIONLAB.CO or call 216-236-5252.
About REI Workshop
REI Groundwater *virtual*
Cost: $100 per person
The Groundwater Presentation is an enlightening and interactive workshop organized by REI. In this session, our organizers delve into the concept that racism is fundamentally embedded in structural systems, using a combination of storytelling and data. By examining the characteristics of modern-day racial inequity, this presentation introduces participants to a valuable analytical perspective that many find immediately relevant. It pairs seamlessly with REI's Phase One workshop and is recommended as both an introduction to and follow-up for our comprehensive two-day workshop experience. Join us for this thought provoking and transformative session!
Upcoming 2025 Groundwater Dates
May 12 (Mon) 1:00pm-4:00pm ET
June 9 (Mon) 1:00pm-4:00pm ET
July 14 (Mon) 1:00pm-4:00pm ET
August 11 (Mon) 1:00pm-4:00pm ET
September 8 (Mon) 1:00pm-4:00pm ET
October 13 (Mon) 1:00pm-4:00pm ET
November 17 (Mon) 1:00pm-4:00pm ET
December TBD (Mon) 1:00pm-4:00pm ET
Cost: $400 Per person
The REI Phase One training is thoughtfully crafted to empower participants with a deeper comprehension of racism in its institutional and structural dimensions. Instead of dwelling on individual prejudices and biases, this workshop offers an insightful exploration of racism through its historical, cultural, and structural lenses. Key topics covered encompass our fish/lake/groundwater analysis of structural racism, the grasp and management of implicit bias, the intersection of race, poverty, and geographical location, markedness theory, institutional power dynamics and influencers, the significance of race and racism definitions, the historical legacy of race in American economic and policy evolution, as well as racial identity and its interplay with institutional culture.
By sharing a common language and achieving a clearer perception of how institutions and systems contribute to unjust and inequitable outcomes, participants will depart from this training better equipped to initiate positive change. Join us on this transformative journey towards a more equitable future.
Upcoming 2025 REI Phase One Dates
May 14-15 (Tues/Wed) 9:00am-5:00pm ET
June 11-12 (Wed/Thurs) 9:00am-5:00pm ET
July 16-17 (Wed/Thurs) 9:00am-5:00pm ET
August 13-14 (Wed/Thurs) 9:00am-5:00pm ET
September 10-11 (Wed/Thurs) 9:00am-5:00pm ET
October 15-16 (Wed/Thurs) 9:00am-5:00pm ET
November 19-20 (Wed/Thurs) 9:00am-5:00pm ET
December TBD (Wed/Thurs) 9:00am-5:00pm ET
Groundwater Presentation *VIRTUAL* :
Asian Americans - Uncovering the Complexities of Racial Inequity
Cost: $100 per person
Upcoming 2025 Dates
January 24 (Fri) 1:00pm - 4:00pm ET
This three-hour presentation provides an in-depth introduction to the racial inequities experienced by Asian Americans. Our trainers will use data and research to go beyond surface-level observations and reveal a more nuanced understanding of the challenges faced by this community. Building on the analysis of structural racism presented in the standard Groundwater Presentation, this session delves into its specific impact on Asian Americans. You'll examine data disaggregated by ethnicity to uncover the complexities of inequities experienced by different Asian American subgroups, challenging common misconceptions and gaining a deeper understanding of the systemic barriers faced by Asian Americans. This presentation complements both the standard Groundwater Presentation and the 2-day Phase I workshop.
Important Note: This presentation will be followed by a hybrid debrief session on 2/27/24. Details will be shared with participants at a later date.